Me and My Leica: Australia - by Roy Katzenberg

I travelled to Sydney, Australia in April 2015 for a wedding but took time off to visit an old schoolfriend in Melbourne.  He lives in a hip area of the city called Fitzroy.  

1. Colourful Lives

Women's clothing store in Fitzroy.

2.  Quiet please!

Hipster coffee bar in Fitzroy...

3. Dog Wash

Service station in Sydney.

4. Melbourne Martian

I saw this man on a bus in Melbourne, wearing goggles and a pit helmet with tubes coming out of it, connected to a bag he was carrying.  I felt somewhat nervous and alighted at the next stop.

5. Love Fades

Pizza parlour in Fitzroy,  Obviously, this man is not lucky in love.

6. Gazing at the Sea

This was taken in Apollo Bay on Great Ocean Drive, south of Melbourne.